Cities are interesting. Some people enjoy living in cities, others tend to avoid them and rather prefer the countryside. Whatever is your preference, one thing is true: Cities generate a huge amount of data that are good source for analyses.
The following is a brief tutorial to get quick insight into Python data analyses and visualization. It is meant to be an introduction for beginners1. Much of this is already documented on the web, and sometimes with more detail. So why another guide?
Many guides treat every topic separately and use new datasets everytime a new data problem is presented. There are howvever advantages of using the same dataset for learning a large variety of analyses. One advantage is time-related, in that all attention can be focused on coding without losing "switching" time understanding new datasets. More importantly, working on a single dataset one experiences the evolution from preprocessing till visualization.
The goal of this tutorial is not to solve an important data science problem. For this, anyways, the presented data is too small. The goal is to use an intuitive dataset to learn Python, intuitive in the sense that it contains data that everyone can understand without prior domain knowledge. It should therefore be suitable for someone who is a starter in Data Science.
We start this tutorial creating data, loading data, data munging and in the end several visualizations. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions:
First start up IPython or Jupyter notebook. An installation guide can be found at the following page2.
The current tutorial treats a great variety of data types, various preprocessing steps (for ex.: selecting data, merging data, replacing data, finding missing values), data visualization (for ex.: boxplots, barplots, pie-charts, geographic mapping), from different packages (for ex. Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly).
In Python, several abbreviations are used, such as pd for Pandas, np for numpy etc. The abbreviations you can use for imported packages are arbitrary, but in this tutorial I used those that are used most commonly on platforms such as StackOverflow. The following packages are needed throughout the tutorial.
import os
import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
The packages here below are needed for visualizations, such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly:
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib import cm
import seaborn as sns
import plotly
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
The following packages will be used for geographic mapping:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap as Basemap
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
import math
There is no problem of continuity when any of the visualizations or geographic mapping are skipped.
We are going to use data from European cities, consisting of categorical and numerical data. The data were obtained from Wikipedia. Temperatures are daily means in Celsius. Population is urban population. Altitude is the highest level reported.
We are going to create a DataFrame manually, later we will see how to load a DataFrame. After typing the following code, your DataFrame df1 is created.
data = {'Place': ['Amsterdam', 'Barcelona', 'Paris', 'Geneva', 'Munich', 'Athens', 'Vienna'],
'Temp_Jan': [3.4, 11.8, 5.0, 1.5, 0.3, 9.9, 1.2],
'Temp_Jul': [17.6, 25.7, 20.6, 20.2, 19.4, 28.5, 19.1],
'Language': ['Dutch', 'Catalan and Spanish', 'French', 'French', 'German', 'Greek', 'German'],
'Altitude': [-2, 12, np.nan, 375, 520, 338, 542],
'MeasureDate':[np.nan, np.nan, '01-01-2013', '01-12-2015', '31-12-2015', np.nan, '01-01-2017'],
'Population': [1351587,4740000,10601122,198072,1450381, 3090508, 2600000]}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Place', 'Temp_Jan', 'Temp_Jul', 'Language', 'Altitude','MeasureDate', 'Population'])
Inspecting the data will show us the following table. From now on, often the code .head() will be used. By default the first five rows are shown. Putting any number inbetween the parentheses will change the number of rows. The command .tail() does exactly the same but starting from the end.
To select only one column or variable, use the following:
Another notation that is used and that gives the same result:
If you desire selecting multiple columns, do the following:
To select a row, for example the first row, do the following. Python starts indexing from 0 (0=first row, 1=second row, etc.):
To select the first column:
To select multiple rows:
Or use the following code:
To select multiple columns:
To check the data type of df1.
Or to check the variable types:
Convert the variable Language into a categorical variable.
df1['Language'] = df1['Language'].astype('category')
After this we need to verify if we have gotten the right type.
Now we change the column MeasureDate to a date variable
The DataFrame can be dissected in its column- and rownames, and the values inside:
And if we wanted to select the first column name, the following can be done:
The size of the DataFrame can be appreciated by the shape command:
And the length of the DataFrame, or in other words, the number of rows, by the len command:
We created a fairly small dataset. Most of the times it is possible to load data from a file. In the following section we will see how to load data using pd.read_csv. The file is from my GitHub page. CSV means that a file containing comma separated values is expected. An important remark: When loading a file, one needs to carefully check if the decimals are dots or commas (this can differ between countries and systems).3
url = ''
df2 = pd.read_csv(url, parse_dates=True, delimiter=",", decimal=",")
So this should give the following data of cities:
The columns Language and MeasureDate are not the right class. So it would be best to change this directly.
Language should be of type "category".
df2['Language'] = df2['Language'].astype('category')
MeasureDate should be of type "datetime".
For categorical variables, it is essential to know the frequency of each category. Note that a slightly different notation, namely df2['Language'].value_counts(), works here as well.
If loading the data did not work, another indirect way is loading the data manually from my GitHub page: . Then check that the data are saved in your current directory. Use the following to check the path:
Using the command os.listdir(os.curdir) will produce a list of files that is in your directory. Now it is possible to verify if your copied .csv file is really in the right folder. To change the directory you can use the command os.chdir('path').
It is often the case that data are acquired from disparate sources, like we have here. So now the trick is to bind the two sets together.
df = df1.append(df2, ignore_index=True)
Displaying the whole DataFrame df now we can see that there are 23 rows.
Another way this can be done is by the pd.concat function4:
pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True).head(4)
One of the first data inspections is if and where there are missing values (data that are not available for various reasons). As we can see, there are missing values in the data; missing values are labeled differently in Python for numeric data (NaN) and dates (NaT)5. First let's see how to detect where missing values occur.
The following command will indicate those cells with "True" where there is a missing value.
The cells that mention "True" are missing values. They only occur for Altitude and MeasureDate. It is also possible to inspect specific variables, just to avoid the output of the whole datasheet.
There is a simple way to check the number of missing values per variable, using the is.null function.
The inverse is also possible, that is counting the number of nonmissing values.
Statistics could be computed while ignoring the missing values. Another possibility is to drop the row(s) that contains any missing value, using df.dropna(how='any'). If you put how='all' it will only drop the row(s) if all values are missing. Note that only writing it to df will change the DataFrame. So if df = df.dropna(how='any') were used, the DataFrame df would have changed.
Missing values are automatically omitted from summary statistics, such as describe().
It is possible to replace values with NaNs that fulfill a certain condition, for example if Altitude is larger than 500 m. It is adviced to refrain from using chain indices, such as df['Altitude'][df['Altitude']>350]=np.nan6
df.loc[df['Altitude']>350, 'Altitude'] = np.nan
The columns of a DataFrame can be alphabetically sorted on the column name. For this we use sort_index with axis=1, and ascending=True.
df.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=True).head(3)
It is also possible to sort the rows based on a certain column, using sort_values. If the column is a string, it is sorted alphabetically. If the column is numeric, it is ranked according to value. For example, in the following the DataFrame is sorted alphabetically on Place, and the result is written to df.
df = df.sort_values(by='Place')
Displaying the first ten rows we can confirm that the sorting worked.
It is sometimes important to inspect specific cells. For example, if you need to look up the data that is in the first row, first column, you could do the following:
If you want to have multiple rows and columns, the following can be done:
Select rows within a given range, for example first till fourth column, and second till third row.
For selecting certain columns, but switching the position of the second and third
There are circumstances in which you'd only want to select cases that fulfill a certain condition. The following only selects data if the average temperature in January is higher than 9 degrees Celsius:
df[df.Temp_Jan > 9]
Select cases where the average July temperature was equal to 28.5.
df[df.Temp_Jul == 28.5]
Select cases if July temperature was unequal to 28.5.
df[df.Temp_Jul != 28.5].head(3)
It is also possible to select data that fulfill multiple conditions, for example cities where the January temperature is larger than 5 and the July temperature is smaller than 17 degrees Celsius.
df[(df.Temp_Jan > 5) & (df.Temp_Jul < 17)]
The following selects the data if either January temperature is larger than 5 or July temperature is smaller than 17. Note that Cork is not selected in this case, since it fulfills both conditions.
df[(df.Temp_Jan > 5) ^ (df.Temp_Jul < 17)]
The following includes the Cork case. It select the data if January temperature is larger than 5 and/or July temperature is smaller than 17. That, means it also includes those cases that fulfill both cases.
df[(df.Temp_Jan > 5) | (df.Temp_Jul < 17)]
Imagine that you have a very large dataset, and you wanted to check data for the city Paris. Of course by alphabetically arranging the data (as we have done) it is not that difficult to find back the data. But in some cases you would need a search function. To select a row based on a value in a categorical variable. So if we want to find back the "Paris" data, do the following:
And it also work if you are only using part of a string, for example "Stock"
Another example, searching for "Spanish" gives the following hits:
Data can be added manually as well. Adding a row can be done in at least two ways:
First, we use df.loc to add a row at the right index, using len(df)+1, which takes the lenght of the DataFrame plus one. So this always places the new row at the end.
df.loc[len(df)+1,:]=['Rome', 7.5, 24.1, 'Italian', 21, np.nan, 4353775]
As we will see the new entry "Rome" is added in the last row.
A second way to do this is by using append. We first make newrow:
newrow = pd.Series(['Madrid', 6.3, 25.6, 'Spanish', 667, np.nan, 6240000], index= ['Place', 'Temp_Jan', 'Temp_Jul', 'Language', 'Altitude', 'MeasureDate', 'Population'])
If we have created the row, we use append.
df = df.append(newrow, ignore_index=True)
To have a summary of a variable, use the describe() command. Note that median is the 50% indicator. It is also possible to use for ex. min(), mean(), median() and other stats separately. From these statistics it is directly clear that in July temperature is higher than January (not unexpected for European countries).
We are going to create boxplots using Matplotlib. Before running any code, we make sure that the plot layout is reset to the origin. As you will see later, we are going to use Seaborn, and this may change the layout of other plots7
Boxplots can be used to check for outliers and distribution of the variables. To position the two boxplots, fig.add_subplot(a,b,c) is used, where a is number of rows, b is the number of columns, and c is the position that increments rowwise.
fig = plt.figure()
Not bad these plots. Matplotlib gives a quick insight on data distribution and possible outliers. But the range of the axes are different for the two plots, and unnecessary space is wasted for two y-axes. So the question arises if we could change this.
First, we are going to select the two columns and make a new temporary DataFrame called temp.
temp = df.iloc[:,[1,2]]
Second, we'd like to adapt our columnnames slightly, and the following code does that:
temp.columns = ['January','July']
The following code puts the two boxplots in one figure. We could add a line plt.ylim to adjust the range of the y-axis.
plt.ylim(-10, 30)
In the following another boxplot is produced, now for the Altitude. Note that some of the parameter settings are changed, such as sym='bo', which means that blue filled dots are used for the outliers; vert=0 means that a horizontal boxplot is used; width adapts the width of the box; patch_artist=True fills the box with a color. Making a boxplot for Altitude shows there is an outlier, which is the 667 m for Madrid. This is a good example that not all outliers are data errors.
fig = plt.figure()
df[['Altitude']].boxplot(sym='bo', widths = 0.4, patch_artist = True, vert=0)
flierprops = dict(markersize=9)
Using horizontal bars one can get a quick impression of the temperatures and the differences and variation across cities, as well as the differences between winter- (January = dark blue) and summertime (July = light blue). This has been done in the code below. Df.sort_values(by='Temp_Jan', ascending=False) is used to order the bars. In plt.legend() it is possible to change parameters that determine the location of the legend, such as bbox_to_anchor. The parameter mode=expand makes that the legend box takes similar width as the plot8. The data are ordered on January temperature, starting with the city with the lowest temperatures, which is Lulea, situated in the very north of Sweden.
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 10))
barwd = 0.2
r2=[y+ barwd for y in r1]
plt.barh(r1, df.sort_values(by='Temp_Jan', ascending=False).Temp_Jan, height = barwd, color = 'blue')
plt.barh(r2, df.sort_values(by='Temp_Jan', ascending=False).Temp_Jul, height = barwd, color = 'lightblue')
plt.yticks([s + barwd for s in range(len(df))], df.sort_values(by='Temp_Jan', ascending=False).Place,
rotation = 0)
lightblue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='lightblue', label='July temperatures')
blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='January temperatures')
plt.legend(handles=[lightblue_patch, blue_patch], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
To appreciate the different population sizes, we can benefit from a pie chart. As can be directly seen, the pie becomes dense because of the quantity of data, and a smart use of colors is desired9. The parameter cs is used for color scaling. The resulting chart shows that Istanbul and Paris are clearly among the largest cities that are in our dataset.
cs = cm.Set1(np.arange(40)/40.)
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 6.0
plt.figure(figsize = (10, 10))
x = df.Population
plt.pie(x, labels = df.Place, labeldistance = 1.2, colors = cs)
To deal partly with the density, it it possible to print the labels in a legend outside the pie. Just pass the argument labels=df.Place directly to pyplot.legend(). Use the bbox_to_anchor() argument to place the legend just outside the figure.
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 6.0
plt.figure(figsize = (10, 10))
x = df.Population
plt.pie(x, colors = cs)
plt.legend(labels = df.Place, bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.05))
A different kind of pie chart can be produced using plotly. If you want to try this yourself, you need to first create an account10. You will then need to fill-in your username and API when you run Plotly code:'rrighart', api_key='xxx;)
The pie-chart only needs a few lines of codes and produces a quite interactive chart. Hovering over the pie will show the corresponding label and data.
fig = {
'data': [{'labels': df.Place,
'values': df.Population,
'type': 'pie'}],
'layout': {'title': 'City populations as percentage of the total'}
Scatterplots can be used for exploring relations between data. It shows that there is a roughly linear relation between the winter- and summer temperature. The parameter s can be adapted to change the marker size.
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10.0
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.scatter(df.Temp_Jan, df.Temp_Jul, c = 'yellow', s=50)
plt.title('Relation between winter- and summertemperature')
plt.xlabel('Temperature in January')
plt.ylabel('Temperature in July')
We could display a third variable in this scatterplot. For example, it may be informative to make the dot diameters proportional to the population size. To do this, we could incorporate the variable df.Population into the scatterplot. Using the parameters facecolors and edgecolors, empty circles are used in order to display any overlapping data.
In these data, there seems a slight tendency that the relatively smaller places are in lower temperature areas. For the present purpose, the data were not very well sampled and therefore may be biased. Most important here is to see how such a visualization gives insight in three dimensions at once.
popsize = df.Population/5000
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10.0
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.scatter(df.Temp_Jan, df.Temp_Jul, facecolors='none', edgecolors='red', linewidth=1.2, s=popsize)
plt.title('Relation between winter- and summertemperature')
plt.xlabel('Temperature in January')
plt.ylabel('Temperature in July')
for label, x, y in zip(df.Place, df.Temp_Jan, df.Temp_Jul):
xy=(x,y), xytext=(-10,10), textcoords='offset points', ha='center', va='bottom',
One of the most common data transformations is replacing values. The reason can be data entry errors, language differences (e.g., different labels are used for "Geneva", "Genève", "Genf" or "Ginebra"), or different conventions in other contexts. Values can be replaced by the following:
df=df.replace(['Catalan and Spanish'], ['Catalan / Spanish'])
The same is valid for numbers. To replace a value at a certain index use df.iloc. Take care that indexing in Python starts at 0, so that means that the first row/column is at 0, the second row/column at 1, etc. For example, df.iloc[1,2]=17 would replace the value at the second row, third column with the value 17.
Another data transformation concerns making categories from numeric/integer values. Let us do that for example for temperature. The code underneath will categorize data in bins from -10 to -5, -5 to 0 etc. (which means that -5 would be in -10 to -5, -4.9 would be in category -5 to 0). In addition, we create some labels to reflect these categories. Of course, the labels are quite subjective. I met people in Sweden who find -5 Celsius comfortable, while this may be different for people from France.
tempbins = [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
templabels = ['Very low', 'Low', 'Reasonaby Low', 'Average', 'Reasonably High', 'High', 'Very High', 'Extremely High']
The following will create the categorized variables:
df['Temp_Jan_cat'] = pd.cut(df['Temp_Jan'], tempbins, labels = templabels)
df['Temp_Jul_cat'] = pd.cut(df['Temp_Jul'], tempbins, labels = templabels)
We can then count the number of observations for each category:
As we see the pd.cut function created a categorical variable.
The categorized data can be displayed by a histogram. Quite insightful is using overlapping histograms. The setting of alpha = 0.5 means that the bars are transparant in case there is an overlap between categories; however in this case there is no overlap (in other words, all temperatures in July are different from those in January). The bins were set before by tempbins.
plt.hist(df['Temp_Jan'], alpha= 0.5, bins = tempbins, label='Temperature January')
plt.hist(df['Temp_Jul'], alpha= 0.5, bins = tempbins, label='Temperature July')
plt.ylim(0, 14)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
We may want to compute data as function of the categories. For example, given the temperature categories, is there a different mean precipitation? In Pandas there is a groupby function that can do this11. First let us see the categories:
We can then inspect the first entry of every category:
And now let's compute mean temperature in July as a function of the binned temperature in January:
If you actually want to view every variable as a function of Temp_Jan_cat:
Another data transformation is converting the values using a computation. For example, we may want to create a new variable that reflects the difference between temperatures in January and July.
df.loc[:,"Tempdiff"]= df.loc[:,"Temp_Jan"]-df.loc[:,"Temp_Jul"]
Always make sure to inspect the result:
df[['Place','Temp_Jan', 'Temp_Jul', 'Tempdiff']].head(3)
A function can also be used to make a data conversion. For example, if we want to covert temperatures from Celsius into Fahrenheit, we need to make the following conversion12: T(°F) = T(°C) x 9/5 + 32. If you only use this code once, you would probably do the following code, and it will give the new temperatures in Fahrenheit.
However, if the conversion will be used anywhere else again, you may probably want to write a function13. Briefly, you use def to define the function name including arguments. Do not forget the colon (:). Next line, after an indentation you define the desired transformation.
def Tconv(x):
return y
The next step is then to check the function, for example using input temperature 32 °C. Tconv(32) gives an output of 89 °F.
So now it is time to convert a whole column to Fahrenheit:
Basically, the whole column is put in the function, and the output variable is directly written to the DataFrame.
df['Temp_JanF'] = Tconv(df['Temp_Jan'])
df['Temp_JulF'] = Tconv(df['Temp_Jul'])
Another operation that is quite frequently used is merge. Note that this is different from append that we applied before, which only concatenated the rows of two dataframes. Now we are going to add a new column Prec_Jan, reflecting precipitation (rainfall).
data = {'Place': ['Amsterdam', 'Barcelona', 'Paris', 'Geneva', 'Munich', 'Athens', 'Vienna', 'Stockholm', 'Oslo','Helsinki', 'Lulea', 'Edinburgh', 'Birmingham', 'Cork', 'Antwerp', 'Lille', 'Bordeaux', 'Malaga', 'Porto', 'Venice', 'Ajaccio', 'Rijeka', 'Istanbul', 'Rome'],
'Prec_Jan': [66.6,43.7,53.7,76.0,48.0,56.9,21.3,39,54.9,52,34,67.5,73.2,131.4,69.3,60.5,87.3,69.0,147.1,47.0,56.7,128.7,105.0,66.9],
df3 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Place', 'Prec_Jan'])
We are going to use the Pandas function pd.merge. The columns of the two DataFrames are merged on Place, and the parameter how='left' means that dataset df serves as base (missing values are filled with NaN).
df = pd.merge(df, df3, how='left', on='Place')
We already explored the relation between temperature in January and July, using the scatterplot function. We are now going to plot the relation between temperature and precipitation in January.
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 10.0
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.scatter(df.Temp_Jan, df.Prec_Jan, c = 'yellow', s=50)
plt.title('Relation between winter rain and temperature')
plt.xlabel('Temperature in January (Celsius)')
plt.ylabel('Precipitation in January (mm)')
Python offers several packages for data visualization. The following shows a similar scatterplot but now using Seaborn. It automatically adds a regression line to the plot. So what the data suggest is that when average temperatures were higher, the more rainfall there was in January.
ax = sns.regplot(x="Temp_Jan", y="Prec_Jan", data=df)
ax.set(xlabel='Temperature in January (Celsius)', ylabel='precipitation in January (mm)')
A geographic map can be made for these cities. For this purpose it would be nice to have coordinates, -- the longitude and latitude data --, for the different cities. The longitude is the distance east or west of the prime meridian (i.e., imaginary line from north to south through Greenwich, England). The latitude is the distance north or south of the equator. Both are measured in terms of the 360 degrees of a circle.
data = {'Place': ['Amsterdam', 'Barcelona', 'Paris', 'Geneva', 'Munich', 'Athens', 'Vienna', 'Stockholm', 'Oslo', 'Helsinki', 'Lulea', 'Edinburgh', 'Birmingham', 'Cork', 'Antwerp', 'Lille', 'Bordeaux', 'Malaga', 'Porto', 'Venice', 'Ajaccio', 'Rijeka', 'Istanbul', 'Rome', 'Madrid'],
'Lat': [52.38, 41.38, 48.86, 46.20, 48.15, 37.97, 48.2, 59.32, 59.95, 60.17, 65.58, 55.95, 52.48, 51.90, 51.22, 50.64, 44.84, 36.72, 41.13, 45.44, 41.93, 45.33, 41.01, 41.89, 40.43],
'Long': [4.9, 2.18, 2.35, 6.14, 11.58, 23.72, 16.37, 18.07, 10.75, 24.94, 22.15, -3.19, -1.89, -8.48, 4.4, 3.06, -0.58, -4.42, -8.67, 12.33, 8.74, 14.44, 28.98, 12.49, -3.68]}
dfr = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Place', 'Lat', 'Long'])
We merge the coordinates data with our available DataFrame.
dfn = pd.merge(df, dfr, how='left', on='Place') # x=long, y=lat
As a next step we inspect some data:
We are then using Basemap for the geographical mapping. We do a straightforward map of the cities, with the diameter of circles reflecting the population size.
First, we need to use longitude and latitude data. It would therefore be good to identify the column Lat and Long automatically. This means, that the script should still work in the event we added or removed some of the columns. How to do that? The central part is using the function np.where, and to search for the variable name.
The following then writes for each variable name the index of the column.
longitude = np.where([dfn.columns=='Long'])[1].tolist()[0]
latitude = np.where([dfn.columns=='Lat'])[1].tolist()[0]
population = np.where([dfn.columns=='Population'])[1].tolist()[0]
print(longitude, latitude, population)
The three parameters, - longitude, latitude, and population -, are used in the geographic plotting of the cities. Other code such as Basemap(), drawmapboundary(), etopo(), drawcoastlines(), drawcountries() are all used to set-up the European map.
scale = 0.005
map = Basemap(projection='aeqd', lon_0 = 10, lat_0 = 50, width = 5000000, height = 5000000, resolution='l') # set res=h
for i in range(0,len(dfn)-1):
print(dfn.ix[i,longitude], dfn.ix[i,latitude])
x, y = map(dfn.ix[i,longitude], dfn.ix[i,latitude])
map.plot(x,y,marker='o', color='Red', markersize=int(math.sqrt(dfn.ix[i,population]))*scale)
Temperatures may differ given the longitude and latitude coordinates of the cities, and this is what we may inspect visually. Such a relationship between these coordinates and temperatures could be displayed with lineplots. It should be said in advance that strictly spoken it is not correct to use lineplots in this case, as the measures inbetween the single coordinates are unknown (actually NaNs, so we may not assume it to be linear inbetween). However, for this tutorial we accept this criticism as less important than the exploratory insight that these lineplot offer.
We start with the longitude data. A negative longitude means West of the prime meridian. To get a valid display of data, it needs to be sorted:
dfn = dfn.sort_values(by='Long')
We then use the plot function in Matplotlib. At first sight there seems no special trend, though it should be said that we only have few datapoints available.
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.plot(dfn.Long, dfn.Temp_Jan)
plt.plot(dfn.Long, dfn.Temp_Jul)
plt.ylabel('Temperature (Celsius)')
plt.legend(['Temperature January','Temperature July'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
We do something similar for the latitude data. So we start sorting the data given the latitude. Note by the way that all values are positive, which is as expected, because all European cities are north of the equator.
dfn = dfn.sort_values(by='Lat')
We again use the plot function. As may be expected, there is a trend that southern cities have higher temperatures in January and July. Again, of course more data would be needed.
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.plot(dfn.Lat, dfn.Temp_Jan)
plt.plot(dfn.Lat, dfn.Temp_Jul)
plt.ylabel('Temperature (Celsius)')
plt.legend(['Temperature January','Temperature July'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
To keep data organized and manageable, sometimes unneeded data need to be removed. So let us practice how to use the del function to delete data.
Remove the column MeasureDate . So let us check again before the removal:
Here is the del command.
del dfn['MeasureDate']
Now let us see the DataFrame after removal of a column.
If you want to remove the first column (index=0) and third column (index=2). To make this definitive, the result needs to be written to the object dfn, such as dfn = dfn.drop(dfn.columns[[0,2]], axis=1).
dfn.drop(dfn.columns[[0,2]], axis=1).head(2)
We are going to save the DataFrame to a file with extension .csv. We name the file dfn including date in the filename, to always have a previous backup available. Of course, you can remove the date part if you like.
datestring = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')
dfn.to_csv('dfn-'+datestring+'.csv', sep=",")
The file can be found back in the following directory:
Python offers excellent flexible solutions. The goal of this tutorial was to give a broad scope of preprocessing and visualizations while at the same time avoiding too much detail and long chapters as can be found in books. For this reason I have presented diverse preprocessing steps and data visualization packages such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly.
By no means this guide is exhaustive. If you feel that something essential is missing in this guide, if you discovered an error, if you have remarks, if you have ideas about other city data that are interesting for analysis, or if you just like to say hello and get in contact, please do not hesitate to drop a message:
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Note: Please make sure to check this site regularly for possible updates.