Sensor time-series of aircraft engines

Can one predict when an engine breaks down?

Ruthger Righart


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1. Introduction

Can one predict when an engine or device breaks down?

This seems a pure engineering question. But nowadays it is also a data science question. More concretely, it is an important question everywhere engines and devices use data to guide maintenance, such as aircraft engines1, windturbine engines2, and rotating machinery3. With regards to human safety and logistic planning, it is not a good idea to just wait until an engine breaks down. It is essential to proactively plan maintenance to avoid costly downtime.

Proactive planning is enabled by multiple sensor technologies that provide powerful data about the state of machines and devices. Sensors include data such as temperature, fan and core speed, static pressure etc. Can we use these data to predict within certain margins how long an aircraft engine will be functioning without failure? And if so, how to do it?

This is the question the concept of remaining useful life (RUL) attempts to answer. It aims to estimate the remaining time an item, component, or system is able to function in accordance with its intended purpose before warranting replacement. The present blog shows how to use deep learning in Python Keras to predict the RUL. It is meant to provide an example case study, not an exhaustive and ultimate solution.

There is a lack of real data to answer this question. However, data simulations have been made and provide a unique resource. One such a fascinating simulation is provided by the C-MAPSS data1. It provides train data that show sensor-based time-series until the timepoint the engine breaks down. In contrast, the test data constitute of sensor-based time-series a "random" time before the endpoint. The key aim is to estimate the RUL of the testset, that is, how much time is left after the last recorded time-point.

2. Modules

Python 2 was used for the current blog. Python 3 can be used with a few adaptations to the code. The following modules will be used:

In [1]:
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests, zipfile, StringIO
from IPython.display import Image
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandas import read_csv
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
Using TensorFlow backend.

The following settings will be used to avoid exponential values in output or tables and to display 50 rows maximum:

In [2]:
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)

3. Sketch of the question

A simplified lineplot illustrates best the question at hand. Given a fictive temperature sensor, for which we have 8 cycles, are we able to predict the remaining cycles?

The kind of questions that can be addressed for such a time-serie:

  • Can we forecast the temperature of the future time-points?
  • Can we predict how long the time-serie continues until a pre-defined event happens?
In [3]:
C = np.append(np.repeat(np.nan, len(A)-1), B)
plt.figure(figsize = (16, 8))
plt.plot(A, color='red', linewidth=3)
plt.plot(C, 'r:', linewidth=3)
plt.axvline(x=len(A)-1, color='grey', linestyle=':', linewidth=4)
plt.axvline(x=len(C)-1, color='grey', linestyle=':', linewidth=4)
plt.title('Example temperature sensor', fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('# Cycles', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Degrees', fontsize=16)

4. Loading the data

The data concerns the C-MAPSS set and can be found at: where it is under "Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set" providing a ZIP file. The one that we are using for the current purpose is FD001, but the reader is encouraged to use the others as well (more data usually means better prediction power). It can be downloaded either manually or using the script below that downloads the content of the ZIP file from the requested URL in your homedirectory4 .

In [4]:
r = requests.get('', stream=True)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(r.content))

Now that the files are in your home directory, you can read them using Pandas read_csv. We will load a train- and testset, as well as a RUL set. RUL contains the true values for remaining useful life to which we are going to compare our predicted values in the testset.

In [5]:
train = pd.read_csv('train_FD001.csv', parse_dates=False, delimiter=" ", decimal=".", header=None)
test = pd.read_csv('test_FD001.csv', parse_dates=False, delimiter=" ", decimal=".", header=None)
RUL = pd.read_csv('RUL_FD001.csv', parse_dates=False, delimiter=" ", decimal=".", header=None)

5. Missing values

First, we need to drop the two last columns since they actually only have missing values. This is probably due to trailing tab characters in the csv file. At any time, it is always better to verify this as the owners of the data may have edited this at any moment. The following code prints the proportion of missing values for each column in the train- and testset:

In [6]:
tableNA = pd.concat([train.isnull().sum(), test.isnull().sum()], axis=1)
tableNA.columns = ['train', 'test']
train test
0 0 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
6 0 0
7 0 0
8 0 0
9 0 0
10 0 0
11 0 0
12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
15 0 0
16 0 0
17 0 0
18 0 0
19 0 0
20 0 0
21 0 0
22 0 0
23 0 0
24 0 0
25 0 0
26 20631 13096
27 20631 13096

We will first drop the columns that consisted of missing values:

In [7]:
train.drop(train.columns[[-1,-2]], axis=1, inplace=True)
test.drop(test.columns[[-1,-2]], axis=1, inplace=True)

And then we will give names to all columns:

In [8]:
cols = ['unit', 'cycles', 'op_setting1', 'op_setting2', 'op_setting3', 's1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6', 's7', 's8', 's9', 's10', 's11', 's12', 's13', 's14', 's15', 's16', 's17', 's18', 's19', 's20', 's21']
train.columns = cols
test.columns = cols

And so the train- and testset look as follows:

In [9]:
unit cycles op_setting1 op_setting2 op_setting3 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 ... s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 s17 s18 s19 s20 s21
0 1 1 -0.001 -0.000 100.000 518.670 641.820 1589.700 1400.600 14.620 ... 521.660 2388.020 8138.620 8.419 0.030 392 2388 100.000 39.060 23.419
1 1 2 0.002 -0.000 100.000 518.670 642.150 1591.820 1403.140 14.620 ... 522.280 2388.070 8131.490 8.432 0.030 392 2388 100.000 39.000 23.424
2 1 3 -0.004 0.000 100.000 518.670 642.350 1587.990 1404.200 14.620 ... 522.420 2388.030 8133.230 8.418 0.030 390 2388 100.000 38.950 23.344
3 1 4 0.001 0.000 100.000 518.670 642.350 1582.790 1401.870 14.620 ... 522.860 2388.080 8133.830 8.368 0.030 392 2388 100.000 38.880 23.374
4 1 5 -0.002 -0.000 100.000 518.670 642.370 1582.850 1406.220 14.620 ... 522.190 2388.040 8133.800 8.429 0.030 393 2388 100.000 38.900 23.404

5 rows × 26 columns

In [10]:
unit cycles op_setting1 op_setting2 op_setting3 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 ... s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 s17 s18 s19 s20 s21
0 1 1 0.002 0.000 100.000 518.670 643.020 1585.290 1398.210 14.620 ... 521.720 2388.030 8125.550 8.405 0.030 392 2388 100.000 38.860 23.373
1 1 2 -0.003 -0.000 100.000 518.670 641.710 1588.450 1395.420 14.620 ... 522.160 2388.060 8139.620 8.380 0.030 393 2388 100.000 39.020 23.392
2 1 3 0.000 0.000 100.000 518.670 642.460 1586.940 1401.340 14.620 ... 521.970 2388.030 8130.100 8.444 0.030 393 2388 100.000 39.080 23.417
3 1 4 0.004 0.000 100.000 518.670 642.440 1584.120 1406.420 14.620 ... 521.380 2388.050 8132.900 8.392 0.030 391 2388 100.000 39.000 23.374
4 1 5 0.001 0.000 100.000 518.670 642.510 1587.190 1401.920 14.620 ... 522.150 2388.030 8129.540 8.403 0.030 390 2388 100.000 38.990 23.413

5 rows × 26 columns

And the RUL data look as follows, in short meaning that the remaining useful life for the first unit was 112 cycles, the second unit 98 cycles, etc.

In [11]:
0 112
1 98
2 69
3 82
4 91

6. Outliers and flat lines

To know if there are outliers (extreme values) in the data, we could use descriptive statistics, train.describe().transpose(), and see if the min. and max. values are far away from the central tendency. As we can see below, this is not the case for any of the sensors.

However, if we look carefully we can see something else that is quite remarkable: there are several sensors where the min. and max. values are identical, and where the standard deviation (std) is zero. In time-series, this is called a flat line, which means there is no activity, possibly caused by sensor malfunctioning.

In [12]:
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
unit 20631.000 51.507 29.228 1.000 26.000 52.000 77.000 100.000
cycles 20631.000 108.808 68.881 1.000 52.000 104.000 156.000 362.000
op_setting1 20631.000 -0.000 0.002 -0.009 -0.002 0.000 0.002 0.009
op_setting2 20631.000 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001
op_setting3 20631.000 100.000 0.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
s1 20631.000 518.670 0.000 518.670 518.670 518.670 518.670 518.670
s2 20631.000 642.681 0.500 641.210 642.325 642.640 643.000 644.530
s3 20631.000 1590.523 6.131 1571.040 1586.260 1590.100 1594.380 1616.910
s4 20631.000 1408.934 9.001 1382.250 1402.360 1408.040 1414.555 1441.490
s5 20631.000 14.620 0.000 14.620 14.620 14.620 14.620 14.620
s6 20631.000 21.610 0.001 21.600 21.610 21.610 21.610 21.610
s7 20631.000 553.368 0.885 549.850 552.810 553.440 554.010 556.060
s8 20631.000 2388.097 0.071 2387.900 2388.050 2388.090 2388.140 2388.560
s9 20631.000 9065.243 22.083 9021.730 9053.100 9060.660 9069.420 9244.590
s10 20631.000 1.300 0.000 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300
s11 20631.000 47.541 0.267 46.850 47.350 47.510 47.700 48.530
s12 20631.000 521.413 0.738 518.690 520.960 521.480 521.950 523.380
s13 20631.000 2388.096 0.072 2387.880 2388.040 2388.090 2388.140 2388.560
s14 20631.000 8143.753 19.076 8099.940 8133.245 8140.540 8148.310 8293.720
s15 20631.000 8.442 0.038 8.325 8.415 8.439 8.466 8.585
s16 20631.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
s17 20631.000 393.211 1.549 388.000 392.000 393.000 394.000 400.000
s18 20631.000 2388.000 0.000 2388.000 2388.000 2388.000 2388.000 2388.000
s19 20631.000 100.000 0.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
s20 20631.000 38.816 0.181 38.140 38.700 38.830 38.950 39.430
s21 20631.000 23.290 0.108 22.894 23.222 23.298 23.367 23.618

The sensors s1, s5, s10, s16, s18, and s19 as well as op_setting 3, will for this reason be removed from further analyses:

In [13]:
train.drop(['s1', 's5', 's10', 's16', 's18', 's19', 'op_setting3'], axis=1, inplace=True)
test.drop(['s1', 's5', 's10', 's16', 's18', 's19', 'op_setting3'], axis=1, inplace=True)

The distribution of the columns looks as follows:

In [14]:
train.hist(bins=50, figsize=(18,16))

7. Exploratory analyses of the max. number of cycles per unit

Exploratory data analyses provide insight into the aircraft engines in action. For example, it would be good to have an idea of the maximum lifetime of the 100 different units. The barplots below show that there is a large variation across units regarding max. number of cycles, and that, as expected, the number of cycles is shorter for testset than trainset.

In [15]:
cyclestrain = train.groupby('unit', as_index=False)['cycles'].max()
cyclestest = test.groupby('unit', as_index=False)['cycles'].max()
In [16]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16,12))
bar_labels = list(cyclestrain['unit'])
bars =['unit']), cyclestrain['cycles'], color='red')
plt.ylim([0, 400])
plt.xlabel('Units', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Max. Cycles', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Max. Cycles per unit in trainset', fontsize=16)
plt.xticks(np.arange(min(bar_labels)-1, max(bar_labels)-1, 5.0), fontsize=12)
bars =['unit']), cyclestest['cycles'], color='grey')
plt.ylim([0, 400])
plt.xlabel('Units', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Max. Cycles', fontsize=16)
plt.title('Max. Cycles per unit in testset', fontsize=16)
plt.xticks(np.arange(min(bar_labels)-1, max(bar_labels)-1, 5.0), fontsize=12)

In fact, in machine learning it is considered good behavior to put apart the testset. So from now we do not touch or look at it anymore.

8. Visualization of several sensors, for a particular unit

The following visualizes different sensors of a particular unit. It gives a good impression that all sensors have a different range of values (as they measure different entities as speed, temperature), and that they do not all show an identical pattern or trend. In fact, some do increase in amplitude, while others decrease in amplitude over time.

In [17]:
values = train[train.unit==1].values
groups = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12,13]
i = 1
for group in groups:
	plt.subplot(len(groups), 1, i)
	plt.plot(values[:, group])
	plt.title(train.columns[group], y=0.5, loc='right')
	i += 1

We can also show a single sensor for different engine units. This nicely illustrates across units that amplitudes decrease over time and seem to go to a certain minimum threshold of about 551-552. By the way: the data seem rather noisy and filtering may help at some point (not treated in this blog).

In [18]:
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.plot(train[train.unit==1].cycles, train[train.unit==1].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==2].cycles, train[train.unit==2].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==3].cycles, train[train.unit==3].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==4].cycles, train[train.unit==4].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==5].cycles, train[train.unit==5].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==6].cycles, train[train.unit==6].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==7].cycles, train[train.unit==7].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==8].cycles, train[train.unit==8].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==9].cycles, train[train.unit==9].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==10].cycles, train[train.unit==10].s7)
plt.plot(train[train.unit==11].cycles, train[train.unit==11].s7)
plt.xlabel('# Cycles')
plt.ylabel('Sensor measurements')

So would it be possible that different units have a similar minimum and maximum value for single sensors? This would make sense if sensors started at a low amplitude (for ex. temperature) and went up to a high amplitude over time (or the other way around for other metrics). We could test this for ten units:

In [19]:
minb = train.groupby('unit', as_index=False).min().head(10)
maxb = train.groupby('unit', as_index=False).max().head(10)
mmtable = minb.append(maxb, ignore_index=True)

The following plot suggests that sensors follow a similar kind of pattern for different units.

In [20]:
plt.figure(figsize = (12,12))
col = np.concatenate((np.repeat('red', 10), np.repeat('blue', 10)), axis=0)
bar_labels = list(mmtable['unit'])
x_pos = list(range(len(bar_labels)))
bars =, mmtable['s2'], color=col)
plt.ylim([640, 645])
plt.xlabel('Units', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Measure s2', fontsize=14)
plt.xticks(x_pos, bar_labels, fontsize=14)

This were some exploratory analyses and visualizations; certainly not exhaustive but a starting point to get insight into the characteristics of the data.

9. Establishing remaining life in cycles

It is now about time to determine the remaining useful life (RUL) for the trainset, for each row. First, we determine in the trainset for each row the max. cycles for the particular unit. We use the groupby command to obtain for every unit the max. number of cycles, and in turn use pd.merge to bring these values into the original train set:

In [21]:
train = pd.merge(train, train.groupby('unit', as_index=False)['cycles'].max(), how='left', on='unit')
In [22]:
train.rename(columns={"cycles_x": "cycles", "cycles_y": "maxcycles"}, inplace=True)

We then determine the time to failure (TTF) for every row, which is the number of cycles subtracted from the maximum number of cycles in a particular unit.

\begin{equation*} TTF_i = max(cycles) - cycles_i \end{equation*}
In [23]:
train['TTF'] = train['maxcycles'] - train['cycles']

10. Scaling

Another preparatory step that is important is scaling. We are going to use the MinMaxScaler in Python:

In [24]:
scaler = MinMaxScaler()

Before scaling, let us inspect the original descriptive statistics. This shows that there are huge differences between multiple sensors in minimum and maximum values, as expected since the sensors measure different entities (such as temperature, speed):

In [25]:
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
unit 20631.000 51.507 29.228 1.000 26.000 52.000 77.000 100.000
cycles 20631.000 108.808 68.881 1.000 52.000 104.000 156.000 362.000
op_setting1 20631.000 -0.000 0.002 -0.009 -0.002 0.000 0.002 0.009
op_setting2 20631.000 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001
s2 20631.000 642.681 0.500 641.210 642.325 642.640 643.000 644.530
s3 20631.000 1590.523 6.131 1571.040 1586.260 1590.100 1594.380 1616.910
s4 20631.000 1408.934 9.001 1382.250 1402.360 1408.040 1414.555 1441.490
s6 20631.000 21.610 0.001 21.600 21.610 21.610 21.610 21.610
s7 20631.000 553.368 0.885 549.850 552.810 553.440 554.010 556.060
s8 20631.000 2388.097 0.071 2387.900 2388.050 2388.090 2388.140 2388.560
s9 20631.000 9065.243 22.083 9021.730 9053.100 9060.660 9069.420 9244.590
s11 20631.000 47.541 0.267 46.850 47.350 47.510 47.700 48.530
s12 20631.000 521.413 0.738 518.690 520.960 521.480 521.950 523.380
s13 20631.000 2388.096 0.072 2387.880 2388.040 2388.090 2388.140 2388.560
s14 20631.000 8143.753 19.076 8099.940 8133.245 8140.540 8148.310 8293.720
s15 20631.000 8.442 0.038 8.325 8.415 8.439 8.466 8.585
s17 20631.000 393.211 1.549 388.000 392.000 393.000 394.000 400.000
s20 20631.000 38.816 0.181 38.140 38.700 38.830 38.950 39.430
s21 20631.000 23.290 0.108 22.894 23.222 23.298 23.367 23.618
maxcycles 20631.000 216.616 50.029 128.000 185.000 207.000 240.000 362.000
TTF 20631.000 107.808 68.881 0.000 51.000 103.000 155.000 361.000

We first make a copy of the data, sothat we have a dataset for unscaled and scaled data:

In [26]:
ntrain = train.copy()

And then we select the data that we would like to scale:

In [27]:
ntrain.iloc[:,2:19] = scaler.fit_transform(ntrain.iloc[:,2:19])

To inspect the scaling, it would be important to see the minimum and maximum value for each column.

In [28]:
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
unit 20631.000 51.507 29.228 1.000 26.000 52.000 77.000 100.000
cycles 20631.000 108.808 68.881 1.000 52.000 104.000 156.000 362.000
op_setting1 20631.000 0.499 0.126 0.000 0.414 0.500 0.586 1.000
op_setting2 20631.000 0.502 0.244 0.000 0.333 0.500 0.750 1.000
s2 20631.000 0.443 0.151 0.000 0.336 0.431 0.539 1.000
s3 20631.000 0.425 0.134 0.000 0.332 0.416 0.509 1.000
s4 20631.000 0.450 0.152 0.000 0.339 0.435 0.545 1.000
s6 20631.000 0.980 0.139 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
s7 20631.000 0.566 0.143 0.000 0.477 0.578 0.670 1.000
s8 20631.000 0.298 0.108 0.000 0.227 0.288 0.364 1.000
s9 20631.000 0.195 0.099 0.000 0.141 0.175 0.214 1.000
s11 20631.000 0.411 0.159 0.000 0.298 0.393 0.506 1.000
s12 20631.000 0.581 0.157 0.000 0.484 0.595 0.695 1.000
s13 20631.000 0.318 0.106 0.000 0.235 0.309 0.382 1.000
s14 20631.000 0.226 0.098 0.000 0.172 0.210 0.250 1.000
s15 20631.000 0.451 0.144 0.000 0.346 0.439 0.541 1.000
s17 20631.000 0.434 0.129 0.000 0.333 0.417 0.500 1.000
s20 20631.000 0.524 0.140 0.000 0.434 0.535 0.628 1.000
s21 20631.000 0.546 0.149 0.000 0.452 0.557 0.653 1.000
maxcycles 20631.000 216.616 50.029 128.000 185.000 207.000 240.000 362.000
TTF 20631.000 107.808 68.881 0.000 51.000 103.000 155.000 361.000

We are going to scale the testdata using the scaler settings of the traindata.

In [29]:
ntest = test.copy()

It concerns the following columns:

In [30]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0 unit cycles op_setting1 op_setting2 s2 s3 s4 s6 s7 s8 s9 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s17 s20 s21
In [31]:
ntest.iloc[:,2:19] = scaler.transform(ntest.iloc[:,2:19])
In [32]:
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
unit 13096.000 51.544 28.289 1.000 28.000 52.000 76.000 100.000
cycles 13096.000 76.837 53.058 1.000 33.000 69.000 113.000 303.000
op_setting1 13096.000 0.499 0.127 0.029 0.414 0.500 0.586 0.948
op_setting2 13096.000 0.504 0.245 0.000 0.333 0.500 0.750 1.083
s2 13096.000 0.381 0.121 -0.024 0.297 0.377 0.461 0.931
s3 13096.000 0.372 0.109 -0.044 0.296 0.370 0.443 0.796
s4 13096.000 0.380 0.113 0.036 0.299 0.375 0.452 0.863
s6 13096.000 0.970 0.170 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
s7 13096.000 0.629 0.110 0.166 0.557 0.636 0.707 0.965
s8 13096.000 0.259 0.087 -0.015 0.197 0.258 0.318 0.606
s9 13096.000 0.165 0.051 0.013 0.131 0.160 0.190 0.598
s11 13096.000 0.337 0.117 -0.030 0.250 0.333 0.411 0.839
s12 13096.000 0.652 0.119 0.147 0.574 0.659 0.738 1.081
s13 13096.000 0.281 0.084 0.015 0.221 0.279 0.338 0.647
s14 13096.000 0.201 0.053 0.044 0.167 0.198 0.229 0.622
s15 13096.000 0.388 0.112 0.030 0.311 0.385 0.459 0.833
s17 13096.000 0.381 0.103 0.083 0.333 0.417 0.417 0.750
s20 13096.000 0.583 0.110 0.132 0.512 0.589 0.659 0.984
s21 13096.000 0.610 0.116 0.057 0.535 0.614 0.690 1.032

11. Visualize the scaled data

It is always a good idea to visualize the scaled data. This to ensure that the data look similar after scaling (except from the numbers on the Y-axis, of course).

In [33]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.legend(['Train','Test'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
plt.ylabel('Original unit')
plt.legend(['Scaled Train','Scaled Test'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
plt.ylabel('Scaled unit')

12. Fraction time to failure

Time to failure (TTF) for each unit has a different length, and it would be good to express this in a fraction of remaining number of cycles. This starts for a particular unit at 1.00, and goes to 0.00, the point where the engine fails (TTFx). It is in fact similar to scaling, but here it is applied at the unit level.

\begin{equation*} fTTF_i = \frac{TTF_i - min(TTF)}{max(TTF) - min(TTF)} \end{equation*}

In Python, we can express this in a function:

In [34]:
def fractionTTF(dat,q):
    return(dat.TTF[q]-dat.TTF.min()) / float(dat.TTF.max()-dat.TTF.min())
In [35]:
fTTFz = []
fTTF = []

for i in range(train['unit'].min(),train['unit'].max()+1):
    dat = dat.reset_index(drop=True)
    for q in range(len(dat)):
        fTTFz = fractionTTF(dat, q)
ntrain['fTTF'] = fTTF

The following plot shows on the left TTF in cycles, for the first 4 units. On the right, the fraction TTF that starts at 1.00 and ends at 0.00. However, the number of cycles that it takes to failure remains identical. Some units have a longer duration than others, as can be clearly seen in the X-axes of the zigzag figures5

In [36]:
mx = cyclestrain.iloc[0:4,1].sum()

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
plt.legend(['Time to failure (in cycles)'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
plt.ylabel('Original unit')
plt.legend(['Time to failure (fraction)'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
plt.ylabel('Scaled unit')
In [37]:
count   20631.000
mean        0.500
std         0.290
min         0.000
25%         0.249
50%         0.500
75%         0.751
max         1.000
Name: fTTF, dtype: float64

Finally, we have the following columns that we select from for training the model.

In [38]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
0 unit cycles op_setting1 op_setting2 s2 s3 s4 s6 s7 s8 ... s12 s13 s14 s15 s17 s20 s21 maxcycles TTF fTTF

1 rows × 22 columns

13. Neural network in Keras

We are now ready to train the data and predict the RUL. For this we are using Keras. Importantly, for the target variable Y_train, we take the fraction of the time to failure TTFx. The features are the scaled values. Note that the data are in Numpy.ndarray format, which can be checked by type(X_train)

In [39]:
X_train = ntrain.values[:,1:19]
Y_train = ntrain.values[:, 21]
X_test = ntest.values[:,1:19]

About the neural network in Keras: A ReLU activation function is used. We use the Adam optimizer. The model is not optimized, and so probably still better results can be obtained by tuning the parameters. The neural network that we use here has 18 input neurons, 6 intermediate neurons, 1 output neuron (1 output since it is a regression problem, estimating the remaining useful lifetime).

In [40]:
url = ''

Everything is ready to train the model:

In [41]:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(6, input_dim=18, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal'))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam'), Y_train, nb_epoch=20)
Epoch 1/20
 2208/20631 [==>...........................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2375 
/your-directory/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keras/ UserWarning: The `nb_epoch` argument in `fit` has been renamed `epochs`.
  warnings.warn('The `nb_epoch` argument in `fit` '
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0493     
Epoch 2/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0091     
Epoch 3/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0083     
Epoch 4/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0081     
Epoch 5/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0080     
Epoch 6/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0078     
Epoch 7/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0077     
Epoch 8/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0075     
Epoch 9/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0070     
Epoch 10/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0064     
Epoch 11/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0053     
Epoch 12/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0048     
Epoch 13/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0047     
Epoch 14/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0047     
Epoch 15/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0047     
Epoch 16/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0047     
Epoch 17/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0047     
Epoch 18/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0046     
Epoch 19/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0047     
Epoch 20/20
20631/20631 [==============================] - 0s - loss: 0.0046     
<keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f52e319b110>

14. Predict test score, fraction RUL from 1.00-0.00

We can now predict the fraction RUL values for the testset:

In [42]:
score = model.predict(X_test)

Remind that the values Y_train were before transformed to a fraction of remaining useful life, from 1.0 till 0.00, in order to cancel out the possible effect of total cycle duration. So score should also contain values in this range:

In [43]:
array([[ 0.98156369],
       [ 0.99625307],
       [ 1.00549078],
       [ 0.96756667],
       [ 0.98040497],
       [ 0.95994157],
       [ 0.95639813],
       [ 0.95989352],
       [ 0.99038798],
       [ 0.94170117]], dtype=float32)

The values are roughly in the range 0-1:

In [44]:
print(score.min(), score.max())
(0.00079584122, 1.0318973)

Finally, we would like to re-convert the fraction of remaining life (0.00-1.00) to remaining useful life as expressed in number of cycles.

For this, we would first need a column with the maximum number of cycles per unit that were in the testset, which can be obtained by the groupby and merge functions (we did this before for the train set as well):

In [45]:
test = pd.merge(test, test.groupby('unit', as_index=False)['cycles'].max(), how='left', on='unit')
In [46]:
test.rename(columns={"cycles_x": "cycles", "cycles_y": "maxcycles"}, inplace=True)
In [47]:
test['score'] = score
In [48]:
unit cycles op_setting1 op_setting2 s2 s3 s4 s6 s7 s8 ... s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s17 s20 s21 maxcycles score
0 1 1 0.002 0.000 643.020 1585.290 1398.210 21.610 553.900 2388.040 ... 47.200 521.720 2388.030 8125.550 8.405 392 38.860 23.373 31 0.982
1 1 2 -0.003 -0.000 641.710 1588.450 1395.420 21.610 554.850 2388.010 ... 47.500 522.160 2388.060 8139.620 8.380 393 39.020 23.392 31 0.996
2 1 3 0.000 0.000 642.460 1586.940 1401.340 21.610 554.110 2388.050 ... 47.500 521.970 2388.030 8130.100 8.444 393 39.080 23.417 31 1.005
3 1 4 0.004 0.000 642.440 1584.120 1406.420 21.610 554.070 2388.030 ... 47.280 521.380 2388.050 8132.900 8.392 391 39.000 23.374 31 0.968
4 1 5 0.001 0.000 642.510 1587.190 1401.920 21.610 554.160 2388.010 ... 47.310 522.150 2388.030 8129.540 8.403 390 38.990 23.413 31 0.980

5 rows × 21 columns

Remind that "test" contains only the unscaled values, whereas for modeling and predicting "score" the scaled features were used.

Second, knowing the predicted remaining life (fraction), we need to estimate the predicted total number of cycles per unit in the testset. This can be done with the following function:

\begin{equation*} max(predicted cycles_i) = \frac{cycles_i}{(1-predicted fTTF_i)} \end{equation*}
In [49]:
def totcycles(data):
    return(data['cycles'] / (1-data['score']))
test['maxpredcycles'] = totcycles(test)

Last, we subtract the maximum cycles per unit from the predicted total number of cycles in the testset to obtain the RUL, remaining useful lifetime:

\begin{equation*} RUL_i = max(predicted cycles_i) - max(cycles) \end{equation*}
In [50]:
def RULfunction(data):
    return(data['maxpredcycles'] - data['maxcycles'])

test['RUL'] = RULfunction(test)

From this column RUL in the testdata we can reconstruct the remaining useful life at the point the maximum cycle is reached, in each unit:

In [51]:
0     23.241
1    502.771
2   -577.370
3     92.330
4    224.167
Name: RUL, dtype: float64

15. Predict RUL in cycles

The following will compute the RUL per unit (based on the max. cycles) from the RUL column that contains predicted values for each row.

In [52]:
t = test.columns == 'RUL'
ind = [i for i, x in enumerate(t) if x]

predictedRUL = []

for i in range(test.unit.min(), test.unit.max()+1):
[RUL   192.933
 Name: 30, dtype: float64, RUL   168.878
 Name: 79, dtype: float64, RUL   58.542
 Name: 205, dtype: float64, RUL   80.771
 Name: 311, dtype: float64, RUL   100.478
 Name: 409, dtype: float64, RUL   112.306
 Name: 514, dtype: float64, RUL   99.430
 Name: 674, dtype: float64, RUL   65.321
 Name: 840, dtype: float64, RUL   140.319
 Name: 895, dtype: float64, RUL   89.217
 Name: 1087, dtype: float64]
In [53]:

We had the so-called "zigzag" figure for the trainset. Now we can re-construct and visualize this for the testset, for the predicted and true values. Let us first create a list of values that discounts for every RUL per unit:

In [54]:
xtrueRUL = list(RUL.loc[:,0])
otrueRUL = []

for i in range(0,len(xtrueRUL)):
    otrueRUL = np.concatenate((otrueRUL, list(reversed(np.arange(xtrueRUL[i])))))
In [55]:
xpredictedRUL = list(round(x) for x in predictedRUL)
opredictedRUL = []

for i in range(0,len(xpredictedRUL)):
    opredictedRUL = np.concatenate((opredictedRUL, list(reversed(np.arange(xpredictedRUL[i])))))
In [56]:
array([ 192.,  191.,  190., ...,    2.,    1.,    0.])

The following figure shows the ZigZag pattern (first 1000 rows) for predicted and true RUL, and should show quite similar peak patterns:

In [57]:
mx = 1000

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
plt.plot(opredictedRUL[0:mx], color='blue')
plt.legend(['Predicted RUL'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
plt.ylim(0, opredictedRUL[0:mx].max()+10)
plt.ylabel('RUL (cycles)')

plt.plot(otrueRUL[0:mx], color='purple')
plt.legend(['True RUL'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)
plt.ylabel('RUL (cycles)')

16. Comparison predicted and true RUL

We can compare the predicted with the true RUL values using the following lineplot. Actually a lineplot is strictly spoken not valid here, since there are no measures inbetween the units. But it is for visualization purposes: the eye catches quickly that the predicted RULs are often a bit higher than the true values.

In [58]:
plt.figure(figsize = (16, 8))
plt.xlabel('# Unit', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('RUL', fontsize=16)
plt.legend(['True RUL','Predicted RUL'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0)

Let us inspect the differences in a DataFrame. First we concatenate the true and predicted RUL:

In [59]:
df1 = pd.concat([pd.Series(RUL[0]), pd.Series(xpredictedRUL)], axis=1)
df1.columns = ['true', 'predicted']

And compute the difference score, which will show us if more values are positive or negative:

In [60]:
df1['diff'] = df1['predicted']-df1['true']
In [61]:
[193.0, 169.0, 59.0, 81.0, 100.0]
In [62]:
true predicted diff
0 112 193.000 81.000
1 98 169.000 71.000
2 69 59.000 -10.000
3 82 81.000 -1.000
4 91 100.000 9.000

There is a tendency for the RUL testvalues being overestimated, as we can see in the histogram:

In [63]:
plt.hist(df1['diff'], bins=26, color="pink", edgecolor='brown', linewidth=1.2)
plt.axvline(0, color="red", linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.6)

And the below table confirms this as well:

In [64]:
pd.DataFrame({'Count': [(df1['diff']<0).sum(), (df1['diff']==0).sum(), (df1['diff']>0).sum()]}, columns=['Count'], index=['Smaller', 'Zero', 'Larger'])
Smaller 33
Zero 4
Larger 63

In many data science projects, slight overestimation is not a real problem. In the current case this can however be a risky business, with regards to the balance between maintenance costs and safety of aircrafts.

17. MSE

Finally, we may like to express the obtained result in a performance metric. MSE is often used in regression problems.

\begin{equation*} MSE \ RUL = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^n (Predicted - True)^2 \end{equation*}
In [65]:
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
mse = mean_squared_error(RUL, xpredictedRUL)
print mse

Closing words

So far the results are quite reasonable for a first model in Keras, not denying that a lot can still be improved. Comparing with previous data, the present results are in a MSE range reported by others6. Several factors can still improve the result:

  • Parameter tuning was not used and may give better results
  • Cross-validation may control for overfitting
  • Features may be improved by for example filtering out the noise
  • It should be said that the chosen model may not be the best, other models may take into account the time-related aspects in the data (for example LSTM).

In addition, in a given project the performance metrics (MSE) may not be the main goal, insight into features that explain engine failure may be as important. That goal may be reached using algorithms that can give insight into feature importance such as random forest.

See you next time!

Hope you liked this blog. If you have any questions, suggestions, or see any errors, please contact me:

Notes & References

  1. A. Saxena and K. Goebel (2008). "Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set", NASA Ames Prognostics Data Repository (, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

  2. Windturbines.

  3. A. Qin et al. (2017). Remaining useful life prediction for rotating machinery based on optimal degradation indicator.

  4. Download a zip file.

  5. The name ZigZag should not be confused with the package "ZigZag" that is used to compute peaks in time-series.

  6. Jain, Kundu, Kumar Lad (2014). Prediction of remaining useful life of an aircraft engine under unknown initial wear. AIMTDR 2014.

(c) 2018, R. Righart | Website: | Email:

Acknowledgements for CSS style go to jckantor